
The services offered by upworkind.com range from resume building to other career auxiliary services. All upworkind.com trade names, trademarks, logos, domain names including without limitation www.upworkind.com, all content on upworkind.com, are the exclusive property of upworkind.com.

upworkind.com is a service provides to jobseekers and courses to fresher, professional and entrepreneurs.

upworkind.com is basically working as a consulting portal in the market having focus on providing a strong platform to beginners.

Course and counseling fee can be changed as per upworkind.com.

upworkind.com does not guarantee any interview/meeting/discussion with any employer basis any amount of initial monetary payment by the jobseeker. The amount which we are taking as per services and we will just full fill the same which is mentioned according to individual service.

upworkind.com is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, any such communication via email, SMS or phone call by a frivolous source claiming to have got the contact details of the person concerned through or representing upworkind.com.

Jobseekers are advised not to indulge in any monetary engagement with such sources in the name of guaranteed interviews with employers.

Certain job/course information provided on this website is compiled from the information provided by third party and a link is provided there to refer the source of information. The compilation of information is merely for the purpose of spreading information and not intended to infringe third party’s intellectual property. If anyone believes that such use causes infringement of proprietary rights, he can send removal request on support@upworkind.com and we will be pleased to remove reported references from our website within reasonable time.